Sunday, 10 October 2010

school!!! sian!!!

Haiz... going back to school tonight after a week long break. Damn Sian. How i spend my week? Study... Nah... Dream On! I was spamming youtube the whole week. It was AWESOME!!! Haha... Spam what?
See the pic?

Can you guess? Spamming SHINee Hello MV!!! Shiok sia. pissing at the same time. all the antis. B!tches. Get the F*** out of that place. Not for you to go there. Sorry. Hehe. You hear no nth. Haha. But SHINee is just soooooo awesome to the max of the max of the max!! Haha. I love them!! <3
Jongie!! HOT ttm!!<3

Next! Onew! This pic is damn nice! It's a drawing actually but it's nice.:))

Next!! Almighty KEY~! Diva~

MinHo!! Woot~! Haha. ^^

Last but not least! Our very own TaeMinnie!! Haha. You grew soooo much!!

Haha... Sry if the pics are little bit outdated for the rest... I don really update on their pics. Haha. JongHyunnie!!! ^^ SHINee Hwalting!! <3

Sunday, 3 October 2010


Hello~ Hello~ haha... Shinee!! They are back with a new song... Hello~ Three actually... DAmn nice!! I oso got myself a new phone...^^ Nope, it's not an iphone but it's a touch screen... HAha... LG Optimus... Love it ttm... Best!! Daebak... HAha... I sooo never regret getting that phone... Although it's LG... Known for their super super lag... My parents chnage my plans to unlimited sms too and also... The best part... 12gb data... WOAH! Haha... But somehow i cant connect it with my com...:( got a week of hols now... need to majorly study for major mod... Haha... And honours paper too... CAnt wait for hello mv...:D