Sunday, 13 March 2011

HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!! NOT! -.-

OMG OMG OMG! The hols are here! Not!! Pls... I have at least smth on every single day... But it's NAG so it's ok la! Haha! At least it isn't training or smth... Goinh to Bintan (again) this friday! Cant wait!! Haha! Kind of sad about thou... It's going to be the 19th Mar soon... Haiz! I wan that day to come and go asap! Life's still the same! Still so suckish...-.- Rachael went Taiwan recently and she got me SJ-M's latest album! So awesome rite? Haha! I just remebered smth... Super Junior is there in Taiwan too! Haha! Lub them many many!!! Haha! This isn't taken in Taiwan but it's part of SS3!^^ Hyukkie's face is damn epic i swear!!!XD Haha! Anyway, Hae and Hyukkie got married yesterday!! Haha! Damn cute! So sweet rite? This is the Hyukkie fell in love with... Haha! He's so pretty!!!^^ I'm going to become a les just for her! Haha! Haiz! Come on, ppl! Let's all close our eyes, put ou hands tgt and pray for Japan. 2012 is coming and I have one last wish. I wanna die with someone I love. Someone who will always stay by my side no matter what. Someone who loves me. That's my only wish before i die.

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