Monday, 30 May 2011


Haha!!! Yo peeps!!! I'm back after a long break! Hm... Lots of stuff happened recently like Singapore Open. Yea... I swear the past few weeks were just pure hectic. I mean... I nvr get to slow down a bit. But it's the hols and woo~! Haha! I not used to the slow life now thou. And i have no bloody work to do. Feel so empty. Like got no life. Haha!!! Hm... Singapore Open was ok. Not really that sastisfied with my performance. But my name was on the list. Haha! I was RESERVE 1 for Under 15. i know damn heart pain. It was at the bloody last squad i lost everything. Haiz! Last squad bowled with Kim. She was fighting with me. I mean... She was 8, I was 7. 1 pin ahead of her. I guess she was very determined. At the end, Meliana went up and i got kicked out. Haiz!!! oh well... i learnt a lot. And i 'promoted'. Haha! Cos i bowled under 18! Awesome! now i can't wait for Opulent. Looking forward to it!^^ This Saturday, i will be going to the Heal The World Concert with Vivien and Carina. No SuJu but there's MBLAQ!!!! Woo~! Haha!!! Cant wait to see them!!! I swear they are damn bloody hot!!! Mir damn hot!!! Hehe!!! But i think i like Seung Ho better. (he's the leader)
(From Left to right) Thunder, Mir, SeungHo, G.O. and Joon
Awesome right!!!! Haha!!!! Actually, i like all of them la!!! Can't wait for the concert!!! But it will be great if Super junior are present. :P Haha!!!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

I'm still awake-.-

Omg! I can't believe i am still awake at this hour. Doing my eff-ing project! Wa lao!!! Seriously!! It's either i am going to flunk my history or get a white card this week. Seriously!!! I haven't even started on my history powerpoint!!!! Best thing is i forgot to bring my textbook home!!! Thxs, Mr Fausta! Lol! -.- Whatever la! FYI, I'm still working on my geog proj now. Damn tire alr. And i have a lot of tests this week!!! die!!!!!T.T Can't talk le!!!! Next time! Bye~!

Monday, 9 May 2011

Day4-A photo of the last place you went for a holiday

Not exactly a holiday cos it's a school trip. But it was fun!!! Took this on a mountain! We had to wake up like 5 in the morning! But it was worth it!^^ Haha! Oh! And this is in Taiwan! Haha! Miss that place!^^

Finally! After so long!

Finally! After so long! I manage to post! I kinda change my blogskin! I like it better like that thou! Hehe! I just finish my homework and... Yea! I'm alr going back to school tonight! :( Sian sia! Go back face those bitches! omg!!! Usually, i'm the type who look forward to school... I guess i love my family too much! :P haha! But seriously! They are the best ppl in the world i swear! Haha!!! My parents, my brother, my grandmother, my aunties and uncles. Not forgetting my cousins!!! Love them ttm! They are still the best!!! Who need friends when you have your family? Rite? Friends are just ppl around you!^^ They most probably be the first to run away when you need help! I would like to apologise! Cos i know i have been very pessimis-STICK (you will get it only if you watch nigahiga) and emo but I'm back!!! Haha! Time for spazzing again! Haha!!!^^ 

I know! I'm nose bleeding too!^^
What i call cuteness overload!^^

 Speechless! Just pure (fill in the blank)
Hyuk! You jealous? Haha!^^

That's it for today! Haiz! How i wish can go back to how it is!>.< Oh well!