Saturday, 16 July 2011

I sincerely apologise!

Hello everybody!!! Hehe! Sry for not posting for the past one week. I'm a very busy person you know! haha! Nah... i'm jusy busy with my sport. Cos I'm going to Indo next Tues so gotta prepare ya know! haha! It's my first time to Indonesia (I think! haha!) and I'm going there for a competition. How awesome is that! haha! Mm... i will be there for about 1 week and yup! Hope i will do well there. HOPEFULLY! haha! Anyway, MBLAQ just had their comeback. It was so cool! XD
As you can see, it's called Mona Lisa. If you didn't, you are seriously blind i swear! kidding... But seriously! haha! I don wanna talk about it cos i know i will start spazzing and bloody hell! i will nvr stop. haha! So... Oh! Yesterday, my school brought us out for High Key. And you know what we did?! Harry Potter! We went bugis for the movie and DAMN! it's da bomb yo! Damn eff-ing nice i swear. The whole school manage to squeeze into one theater (I have no idea how we did that) and yea... It was as if the school didnt watch a movie before-.- When the movie started, everyone was still talking. I mean! Dont they know the cinema rules?! Who the hell cheer and clap during the movie? -.- I'm not surprised if members of the public complain. Plus, we were forced to wear knee length pants-.- Bull shit! But i love the trip. It's not so bad la. I had fun. haha! Yea... Oh! And sry about my very very very very bad temper in the lat entry. i was... Just in a very bad mood! Anyway, it's Coach Thomas's birthday today. And we celebrated it for him! The cake is damn nice! haha! But we made a mess in the office :/ But they didnt care. haha! 

Did you know U-Kiss were in SG yesterday? So was 2NE1. They were here for the Korean Wave Concert. Heard that it was awesome. haha! I bet not as nice as the Heal the World concert. :P haha! MBLAQ!!! XD Anyway... Today, i will be talking about...
Their latest song (FYI, it's 0330) damn eff-ing nice! Something that is out of the world ( is that even a phrase? haha!) Except this time, Xander and Kibum is no longer in the band. :( I like Alexander! he's so cute. Haiz! But AJ and Hoon is cool. It's like they just fit in perfectly well! Plus, Soo Hyun is now the new leader which is seriously... I dunno! I'm speechless. haha! If you ask me, my favourite member is Dongho. Nono! Kevin too! haha! They are my bias in U-Kiss. Followed by SooHyun. ;) I shall not name the rest. hehe! Yea... Anyway, I'm writing my own fanfic now.It's about MBLAQ and Super Junior. i won't share it now. But if you can find it, good for you then!^^ It's on Asian Fan Fic anyway! haha! So... this is Daphne, signing off! :D

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