Sunday, 20 May 2012

Last post i guess?

Been long since i last posted huh? Sigh! I just don't want to... And don't have the time too. I guess i'm just doing a quickie for this one. I staying up to mug tonight! Urgh! Cant wait for this week to be over! Last week before the June hols! HOORAY! :D And SOOOO many comps coming my way! Honestly, i have the determination to win this time and yeah... I'm glad I am! At least I feel more confident than how I felt before... That is what everyone wants me to feel right? Sigh! Miserable miserable life! Actually, not really! hahah! Just the same old routine everyday is boring but that is LIFE i guess.... :/ Going overseas again quite soon! HONG KONG YO! XD Sigh! Yea... Think i gotta go! I'm so~ gonna do badly for my chem test! T.T Math... Not so i guess... if only i can remember all the shit formulas by then... Then, yea! i might do well.. Hahah! Gotta go... And i think this will be my last post for this blog cos I'm shifting! I THINK! If only i have the time to create another nice blog like this... And i don't tweet anymore so... hahah! Yea, gotta go~~ BYE! LAST POST OF THE BLOG! Guess I'm gonna deactivate the account or smth... :/ such a pity! Hai...

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