Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Shiok bodoh!

WOAH!!! Just came back from a very very very super super super awesome weekend!!! Haha... It wasn't made possible if Melanie Jie Jie, YiLin Jie Jie, Melissa JieJie, Denise JieJie, ZHiYang GorGor, Aunty Jasmine and last but not least, Jordan...:D ( Alot of ppl rite? But they were the ones who made my weekend awesome so yea! Haha...) I skipped training and went out with the gals on friday... Met them for F1. (dam loud i tell you... But obviously worth the hell out of it!)On friday... First, we met up in the circuit park itself... Gate 3 to be specific... And the thing is before i even saw them (My cousins).... I saw Jovi... And stacy of cos... They look so sweet together... Anyway, when we went in the race alr started so it was quite noisy and i had to scream at the top of my voice when i see them... Somehow i felt underdress cos all my cousins were all so pretty(They naturally are) We slowly made our way to the Grandstand(grandstand leh... Shiok rite?) Then after the first practice, we stoned for like a little while... not sure of what to do la... then we went to the padang area... To catch Missy Elliot!!!! Cool rite?! I know... hehe... Awesome like dunno what shit sia... haha... So we were all like screaming and woo-ing at the top of our voices when she came out and until the concert end... it was over an hr so... Imagine that... We went home, reach like 1? bathe, eat maggie noodles and slp... Nah... Not so early... Crowding around a macbook,we watch final destination 3... Super nice!! Shld really show that for low key... After that vampire suck came on... Stupid like 10000% But it was funny... To put the whole night short... we woke up at like 11.30am...( anyway, we slept at like 4.30am) So ya... Let's just skip to the F1 part... Before we met with Aunty Jasmine, we went gym at seletar, ate super nice dishes... ( Each of us ordered smth then we switch our places to try the different dishes... it was so epic...) Haha... Met them near gate 2... Them as in Aunty Jasmine and Jordan... Went in, walk to turn 1 or 2, cant remember the turn no. Watch a bit of the race then went to eat Popeye... Oh... and halfway into the practice, my phone went out of bat...-.- You know how angry i was... It's like i still have so many things to take pic of and yet even before the fun part started, my phone went out of bat... Ah!!! Back to Popeye, Melissa JieJie and I queued for like 20 mins just to get a family meal for everyone... (Tom and jerry was showing so we didnt mind as we were enjoying ourselves..) Then, our plan was to eat then walk around for awile... Watch the qualifying rounds from 10 to 10.30 then start walking to padang from the pit to catch ADAM LAMBERT~!! Haha... The show was AWESOME to the max... Haha... Thank you everyone for making last weekend so awesome and great... Love you ppl to the max of the max... Haha...:D

Saturday, 18 September 2010

trying to enjoy life while i can

Haha... I'm now using Melissa JieJie's macbook pro... I feel so honoured... Haha... It's like my first time using a macbook pro (Not counting the times i spam the ones in courts..:P ) That's why this very post is the special ed... Something like that la... Hmm... Crap! My mind is blank now... I actually got quite a number of things to say but i sort of forgotten... Ah! Yes... I not going to Kpop concert liao..:( My mum says it too expensive... She agreed to it at first but now she like... " No! It's too expensive.... Blah Blah Blah Blah..." I was angry at her for like one and a half days? Haha... I'm not now... Why? She bought a crumpler bag for me!!! Shh... Don tell my bro... He is not suppose to know...:P It's called dreadful embarrassment if I'm not wrong... I wanted a barney smth smth but too ex.... Bo bian... Sian rite?But at least i got one... Haha... Just came back from Mod 7 Week 1... Did well for Chinese in Mod 5!! First time you know... First time get A1 since the starting of the year...^^ Haha... I cant upload anything pics this time cos not using my com... I got lots of pics to share... LOTS!! Haha... Yea... The macbook is currently charging~ Trying to find the video where Minho got hypnotised on StarKing... It's damn scary... You shld go see it... Found a star king ep.... Funny dong! Gtg... Watch SK liao... Wait for my new post!!! :D

Saturday, 11 September 2010


Seriously la... FML!!! I cant stand it any longer... My mood is now like i dunno... -10000.... I totally hate my life... Seriously... I dunno... Now i get irritated at SHINee... Anyway, i am now in AMK.... Calrose is now not under our name anymore... I cried for three consecutive days... Without my parents knowing.... Anyway, my dad is like on the plane now... On his way to US... I didnt get to talk to him cos he was like in a total black mood for the past few days...He is going to be gone for 2 weeks and ya... I didnt even send him off... That is why i am upset and i totally regret not waking up at 5 to do it.... I woke up but i went back to sleep cos my bro went back to his own dreamland too... I got influenced... otherwise i would had woken up... gonna post the pics of my shirt up but just not enthu... No mood... Heck la!!! Don care liao... I lost my f-ing science notes and they are damn important.... What the freak is acceleration?! I don have my notes!!! And i need them for my honours paper!!! F**K!!!!! I am sure you can tell my mood now... Just ignore this post... I really need to vent my anger... BTW: This is my tee...

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Last Day!!!

Noooo........ It's my last night...D; I don wan to go.... Why? But i love my new room... Haha... I cant wait for SHINee to come!! Hope that they get well soon... Especially Jjong... Got nth to say le... Oh ya... My shirt has arrived!!! Woah!!! Haha... Will post a pic soon...:)) Gtg... BYe~!

Friday, 3 September 2010

Last Few Days At Yio Chu Kang

Haiz... Hey ppl... I am now at home... It's my second last night here in Calrose...:( I will really miss you, hse... Listening to It's You by Su Ju now... Damn nice... I think SM should be in La now rite? SHINee and SuJu is there... Haha... Today's staff day celebration was the best... The seniors were great... Great Job! They did Bonamana and No Other... Damn nice but the weird thing is that they call themselves what SSP Juniors... I was like WTH... Super Junior must had felt so insulted... Haha... Kidding...Oh... Sorry for the sudden end the previous post... I had to log off cos I was in skool... The tickets to Korean Pop Concert is like damn ex la can... OMG! The cheapest is like $118... But i really want to see SHINee... My first time to a concert and i get to see SHINee... I mean... This is heaven, man... Haha... Even if i pass my history, my mum wont pay for me... She would be like... Wait long long... Or maybe place some bet that she know that i cant do... Haha... Nth else to say le... Going to spend my last few moments wisely...:P

Thursday, 2 September 2010

In School!!!

Haha... I'm school now... School time somemore... Haha... Shh... I am not suppose to blog now... Hehe..:P Haiz... We cant perform tmr anymore... *sob sob* I don get it... I mean it's only a 4-5 mins performance and yet you cant squeeze us in... I really don get it... But anyway... I would be glad to perform it again... Haha... If there is an item needed for any event, i would be happy to do it... Haha... Is money included? Haha... Kidding...:) Smth great happened recently...(Not the performance thingy) Darran Choy,(the super hot/cute sailor frm my school) smiled at me... Gtg... Bye~!