Saturday, 29 January 2011

So AWESOME!!!! ^^

Woo~! Awards Nite ws sooo awesome!!! I took so much more pics this time!!!^^ Haha! Anyway, while i'm typing away here, there are ppl at indoor stadium waiting for SS3 to start!!! T.T I wanna go!!!! :( It's like Darius all those are there la... I wanna go!!!!!! Life is soooooo UNFAIR! Anyway, Teukkie and HeeNim got into an accident yesterday... Like here... In SG! Damn those crazy E.L.Fs! I'm not proud of my fellow E.L.Fs at all!!! AT ALL! As you can see, there is a lot of exclamation marks (!), cos i really wan to go SS3! :( it's like im the only one left behind...:( I love you, SuJu!!! Don care!!! When SHINee comes, i confirm will go... But it's not the same!!! T.T SS3 and SHINee World is not the same!!! :( It's ok... I will be waiting for SS4!!! I swear!!! T.T Have fun, E.L.Fs at the stadium now (including Darius, Joel, Darren and Jaris...-.-) Anyway, here's a freaking cool pic... And I wanna be part of it...T.T
So cool rite?! The Sea Of Red And Blue!!! I wanna be part of the blue...^^ Haha! Listening to Super Girl-SJ M... Shiok sia!^^ Anyway, wanna see pics of me on Awards Nite? Super ZiLian i tell you...:P
After putting make up... Haha! Haven change yet... Damn ZiLian rite? Learn from Ashleigh one...:P Hers is worse ok? I only got like one... Here's more taken with friends...^^
I like this one with Keith! ^^
Dyana soooooooooooo chio rite?? Haha! Love you!!! Boaz!!! Haha! i like this pic too!! ^^
One of my favourites!!! :) Haha! And yes, i had to bend down...:P
This one!^^ Haha! yea... I remember last year i was er... Haha! I had a hard time trying to like avoid him but yea... Woo~! This year leh... Not anymore... I even the one who asked to take pics...:) Haha! (I saying all this cos i know no one from school will read my blog so... ya) Ok! Yes! I used to like HIM! So what? I don anymore rite? Haha! Okok.... Enough of the Awards Nite pics... Time for SuJu Spam!!!!!!! HAHA!!!!!!!!

Haha!!! So it's Hyukkie, EunHae then Fishy!!! Love them ttm!!!!!

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