Sunday, 20 May 2012

Last post i guess?

Been long since i last posted huh? Sigh! I just don't want to... And don't have the time too. I guess i'm just doing a quickie for this one. I staying up to mug tonight! Urgh! Cant wait for this week to be over! Last week before the June hols! HOORAY! :D And SOOOO many comps coming my way! Honestly, i have the determination to win this time and yeah... I'm glad I am! At least I feel more confident than how I felt before... That is what everyone wants me to feel right? Sigh! Miserable miserable life! Actually, not really! hahah! Just the same old routine everyday is boring but that is LIFE i guess.... :/ Going overseas again quite soon! HONG KONG YO! XD Sigh! Yea... Think i gotta go! I'm so~ gonna do badly for my chem test! T.T Math... Not so i guess... if only i can remember all the shit formulas by then... Then, yea! i might do well.. Hahah! Gotta go... And i think this will be my last post for this blog cos I'm shifting! I THINK! If only i have the time to create another nice blog like this... And i don't tweet anymore so... hahah! Yea, gotta go~~ BYE! LAST POST OF THE BLOG! Guess I'm gonna deactivate the account or smth... :/ such a pity! Hai...

Saturday, 3 September 2011


Hahaha! Hello to all! Sry for not blogging for like the past one month. I somehow lost interest. (My apologies!!) Yea... Anyway, I just came back from an awesome day! Went out with my primary school friends. Well... I can truthfully say that they are what I really call friends. (Not like those B!tches I know in school. OOPS! :P) Whatever I don't care whether you read this or not because I DON CARE! like seriously! Yea... Anyway, I had fun so ya... Promise I will meet up with them more often!^^ even if it's just for a little while. I bought bangles for them too! Not too expensive so I paid for it! hehe! It's what you call... LOVE!! hahah! I don know what I'm talking about... I'm kind of hyped up! Mm... I thought I can do a little promotion on my blog. I've been writing a fan fic recently... So do check it out. It's called She's Mine. Here's the link:
 Do give comments if you read. No plagiarizing of names. Just that I think it's suitable for the characters! Both MBLAQ and Super Junior are in it!^^ haha! Mm... Oh ya! Smth upset me a lot recently... Which is Heechul's enlistment! :( I never expected that! Haiz... Oh well... Guess 2 years which is 24 months which is 730 days isn't very long... But I will miss him! But he looks very cute with his bald head! :P
THERE! Haha! Cute rite? ^^ Take care, Heechullie! ^^ Mm... Don't think I will be doing teukigayo today. Anyway, congrats to Super Junior who just won the fourth time on Music Bank! Woo!^^ Must support MBLAQ's I Don't Know too! AWESOME SONG!!^^ haha! Love Mir's rap! :P I'll put the video up! Must watch arh! Just click on the play button! You will be raping it very soon! :P 

Saturday, 16 July 2011

I sincerely apologise!

Hello everybody!!! Hehe! Sry for not posting for the past one week. I'm a very busy person you know! haha! Nah... i'm jusy busy with my sport. Cos I'm going to Indo next Tues so gotta prepare ya know! haha! It's my first time to Indonesia (I think! haha!) and I'm going there for a competition. How awesome is that! haha! Mm... i will be there for about 1 week and yup! Hope i will do well there. HOPEFULLY! haha! Anyway, MBLAQ just had their comeback. It was so cool! XD
As you can see, it's called Mona Lisa. If you didn't, you are seriously blind i swear! kidding... But seriously! haha! I don wanna talk about it cos i know i will start spazzing and bloody hell! i will nvr stop. haha! So... Oh! Yesterday, my school brought us out for High Key. And you know what we did?! Harry Potter! We went bugis for the movie and DAMN! it's da bomb yo! Damn eff-ing nice i swear. The whole school manage to squeeze into one theater (I have no idea how we did that) and yea... It was as if the school didnt watch a movie before-.- When the movie started, everyone was still talking. I mean! Dont they know the cinema rules?! Who the hell cheer and clap during the movie? -.- I'm not surprised if members of the public complain. Plus, we were forced to wear knee length pants-.- Bull shit! But i love the trip. It's not so bad la. I had fun. haha! Yea... Oh! And sry about my very very very very bad temper in the lat entry. i was... Just in a very bad mood! Anyway, it's Coach Thomas's birthday today. And we celebrated it for him! The cake is damn nice! haha! But we made a mess in the office :/ But they didnt care. haha! 

Did you know U-Kiss were in SG yesterday? So was 2NE1. They were here for the Korean Wave Concert. Heard that it was awesome. haha! I bet not as nice as the Heal the World concert. :P haha! MBLAQ!!! XD Anyway... Today, i will be talking about...
Their latest song (FYI, it's 0330) damn eff-ing nice! Something that is out of the world ( is that even a phrase? haha!) Except this time, Xander and Kibum is no longer in the band. :( I like Alexander! he's so cute. Haiz! But AJ and Hoon is cool. It's like they just fit in perfectly well! Plus, Soo Hyun is now the new leader which is seriously... I dunno! I'm speechless. haha! If you ask me, my favourite member is Dongho. Nono! Kevin too! haha! They are my bias in U-Kiss. Followed by SooHyun. ;) I shall not name the rest. hehe! Yea... Anyway, I'm writing my own fanfic now.It's about MBLAQ and Super Junior. i won't share it now. But if you can find it, good for you then!^^ It's on Asian Fan Fic anyway! haha! So... this is Daphne, signing off! :D

Sunday, 10 July 2011


I can't believe this is happening! I'm so angry at this particular person from school. Wait... She's not even a human. She's just purely a mother eff-ing dog! Sry for being so vulgar. i mean... She is really pissing me off! Firstly, she caused a bloody fight between my roommate and I. I forgave her for that and she caused me to fall out from the team. WTS! She seriously got nth better to do. When she makes a conversation, all she do is bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. WTS! Nth satisfies her. Got so many thing to bitch about meh? Oh! And she look down on me, she despise me. Ok! She can always do that cos i admit she is one pretty shit but that doesn't make me a lowly person rite?! Yesterday, we were all bowling for a league. Ok! So i got 4 strikes in a row so what?! Don have to look at me from head to toe rite?! Plus, it will take ages for you since you're so short and have to bloody look up at me. Yet, she thinks she is greater than me. Ok! But she really is but at least show some respect. Can't she just do it behind my back, not in front of my sight. Bloody bastard. And she just bloody insulted me on facebook-.- Ahhh!!! I don wanna care anymore! So annoying and it's fcking pissing me off! Must it really be like his? Why is she always going against me?! What have i done? She can have so many besties and i cant have a god bro?! okok! Does that fcking make sense to you?! Plus, all her 'besties' are all guys! Fcker! In the first place, why shld i even care. She's making my life fcking miserable and i falling into her bitchy trap! I really have to get myself out. I will do it! Just watch out bitch! Sry, i'm not doing teukigayo today. At least not in this mood. 

Monday, 4 July 2011

Even In My Dreams

Helloooo~ Haha! Sry for the lag ppl! I didn't really have time. Yea... Nth really special happened recently except that I have been feeling quite down lately. :/ Don ask why. it's kind of complicated but i'll get over it. Don worry! Oh ya! i watched Transformers yesterday and OMG! It's the bomb man! Damn awesome! I mean... My dad bought the gold class seats and we were literally lying down, watching the whole movie. I felt so rich! Haha! You know like woo~! This is how a princess is treated type. But i swear that is the last time i'm gonna buy the tixs for gold class. So bloody expensive!!! Anyway, the movie is wayyyyy too awesome! However, it will be perfect if Megan Fox is in it. Seriously, WTH! The blondie like damn extra la! I swear the movie would be so much better if Megan Fox is in it. WTBS is that British dog doing in the movie?! The context isn't as nice now! Really! Honestly, i got quite bored in the middle of the movie cos that British dog was talking too much-.- How can Sam get married to her in the end?! Wrong movie man, bitch! Sry, i'm an anti of her. No offence to all her fans. She is sooo~ not hot! Megan Fox is hotter!!! Yea... haha!
*Change of Subject*
If you're wondering what's with the blog title. It's cos G.O [FYI, he's from MBLAQ] just released a new single. I love his voice, so sweet and touching! It's just flow thru you and you just can't help but get addicted to it. Yup! it's called Even In My Dreams feat. Mir for the rap part. Somehow, Mir is getting more famous for his rap. haha! Which is a good thing you know! haha! oh oh! And Mir even said that they are working on their new album XD I can't wait!! AHHHH!! haha! I'm still waiting for Super Junior 5th album too. It is said to be released in August. Woo~! Haha! How cool is that! haha! Anyway, the MV just got released! Gonna watch it now! ^^

I seriously ran out of ideas :/ Hm... Ah! and the big star for today is... du gu du gu du gu du gu
Since i was talking about his MV, why not just let you all see the MV. His voice is so soothing! You gotta hear it to believe it. Really! Again, no harm clicking on the video. Love Mir's rap too! Damn nice! ^^ The MV is about G.O wanting to get back with his ex even if it's mean in his dreams. It's really sad thou :( Haiz! But Mir was so cute doing that wink! ^^  but still, the MV is damn sad. Your heart can ache from watching :/ Yea... That's all for now! ;) Mm... anticipate SeungHo's concert teaser! it's coming out tonight. 12am KST which means 11pm in Singapore. i will be in school by then but i'll still watch it anyhow!^^ Here is daphne, signing off! Enjoy the video!^^

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

In School

I'm having my active rest now and yup, I'm free! Haha! Mm... School is seriously like normal days. I mean... When i check in, i really didn't have any feelings like you know... OMG! It's the first day of school feeling. Like it's a normal day kind of thing. I'm now slacking in my room and yea.. So bored! There's nothing to do :/ Anyway, i'm having a sleep in tmr so i think i will spam again tonight. haha! Listening to Shake It Up by Super Junior now. it's really nice and i think i'm like making my roomie bored by not talking to her. OOPS! Hehe! But she's playing with her ipod anyway so it's ok! Haha! Anyway, i signed up to be an admin for a fanbase. I really hope i get accepted. I just find it so cool! haha! You know, to be an admin for a twitter account and you can like interact with ELFs from all over the world. So cool~! Haha! but it's like not confirm I'm selected so yea... Oh! Today, my class watched a movie in class. It's damn gruesome. I have nvr seen anything like it but i guess i'm used to these kind of movies. I've seen much worst ones. Plus, this makes me wan to watch ninja assassin more. Joon is in so yea.. haha! Would like to see him bald! ^^ Shall proceed to Teukigayo now~

Ok... haha! Who shall be today's big star? Hm... How about? Hello everybody, we are the shining SHINee! haha!
Yup! it's SHINee. Not shin-ee  but SHINY~ Haha! It's pronounce that way ok?!  Anyway, why SHINee? Cos my friends and I were talking JongHyun and Shin Se Kyung. Cos she didn't know they broke up until i told her. Which is kind of lag. So... We were basically talking about their relationship and she was saying how much she hated it. And i somehow agreed with her. (No offence O.O) Hehe! yea... This is the Japanese version of Replay and i swear they have seriousy changed a lot in the past few years. Like just compare RDD and this. Totally different! Their dances are always so difficult and i always fail at trying to learn. ok! Not really fail but i gave up halfway. haha! Maybe it's just me being too lazy to get up from my seat to dance. hehe! That's all for now! Most probably be doing another entry tonight. this is daphne, signing off! ;)

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Worn Out and Restless (Part 2)

Hehe! i'm back yo! For part 2! Sry, i didnt finish up last night. Had to babysit my brudder to sleep-.- Annoying! I ended up watching Maknae Rebellion after that so yea... Haha! Finishing up nao~! So practically, yesterday we went to Downtown East. Why? play la ! Haha! Still got what? Hehe! But the thing is we went there for Escape. But then when we went there, we found out they remove all the huge rides!!! Like literally! No remains were left! You know how pathetic is that! My brother and I were really looking forward to ride on the Rainbow ride. Then they eff-ing remove it :( We seriously wasted the money. We played for a while and left. So we ended up in Wild Wild Wet. I swear that place is much more fun. I will nvr go back to Escape! NEVER! Unless they put back all the rides. It's either that or Escape will close down one day. Haha! No offence thou. Just gotta go straight to Teukigayo now. Maybe will have another entry tonight. If i get my broadband cos I'm going to school tonight. SIAN!

Hm... i wanna share a song. It's not really suitable for my blog cos it's really crude. According to the MV, you gotta be above 21 to you know watch the MV. The lyrics is kind of... (I'm speechless) Yea... I'm just gonna share anyway. I like the the song! AWESOME disco song ;) Woo~ Here it is! It's Shots by LMFAO! Yup! The dudes who sang Party Rock Anthem!^^
Enjoy ppl! Here is Daphne, signing off! ^^