Sunday, 26 June 2011

Worn Out and Restless (Part 2)

Hehe! i'm back yo! For part 2! Sry, i didnt finish up last night. Had to babysit my brudder to sleep-.- Annoying! I ended up watching Maknae Rebellion after that so yea... Haha! Finishing up nao~! So practically, yesterday we went to Downtown East. Why? play la ! Haha! Still got what? Hehe! But the thing is we went there for Escape. But then when we went there, we found out they remove all the huge rides!!! Like literally! No remains were left! You know how pathetic is that! My brother and I were really looking forward to ride on the Rainbow ride. Then they eff-ing remove it :( We seriously wasted the money. We played for a while and left. So we ended up in Wild Wild Wet. I swear that place is much more fun. I will nvr go back to Escape! NEVER! Unless they put back all the rides. It's either that or Escape will close down one day. Haha! No offence thou. Just gotta go straight to Teukigayo now. Maybe will have another entry tonight. If i get my broadband cos I'm going to school tonight. SIAN!

Hm... i wanna share a song. It's not really suitable for my blog cos it's really crude. According to the MV, you gotta be above 21 to you know watch the MV. The lyrics is kind of... (I'm speechless) Yea... I'm just gonna share anyway. I like the the song! AWESOME disco song ;) Woo~ Here it is! It's Shots by LMFAO! Yup! The dudes who sang Party Rock Anthem!^^
Enjoy ppl! Here is Daphne, signing off! ^^

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