Sunday, 19 June 2011


I'm back again from a horribly tiring day. Nvr been so tired since Day 1 of the hols. Ok maybe not! Haha! I dunno! i don really like what happened today. :( First of all, i was abruptly woken up this morning. Bloody hell! I couldn't even get out of bed. If you know me, i'm the kind who i can like get up in less than 10 secs. Except days when i'm extremely exceptionally tired! Like this morning. One of my worst mornings! Irritating! Plus, i was almost late for work today. To make things worst, i have to do lane marshalling-.- I was suppose to be doing the bloody scores! In the end what happen? Lane Marshal. FCK! i was so pissed. I was this close to doing scores. because Vivien OT and Darren insist i do lane marshal... Yea! Annoying! Slack sia! When i'm completely not enthu about work, i get the slackest job. HOWEVER! When i'm like the most enthu person on Earth to work, i get the worst job ever! Damn! This sucks! I swear-.- Plus, today I'm getting more vulgar! And i don like it at all. AT ALL! It's annoying me! Omg! i'm annoying myself! Haha! How cool is that! Awesome~! Where was i? oh yea... I fell down at the track while trying to jump over a hurdle just now. I overestimated my jumping skills:P Haha! I simply jumped, tripped and rolled on the ground twice before laughing! Haha! I just hope no one saw! Haha! Damn embarrassing. Can't believe that actually happened. Anyway, after that, i played some dodge ball game with the TaiPei ppl. So damn awkward i swear! Haha! But it was fun. Yea... That was all. Opulent ended today. I have no regrets cos i made a few new friends. And i'm proud of it. Most of them are malaysian but that's cool enough! Haha! Honestly, before that i have no malaysian friends. Well... Except for the ppl in school :/ Haha! But it's nice. I'm gonna officially start on my science proj tmr (FINALLY) I know rite! It's like the last week og hols alr-.- But oh well... i have this feeling it's gonna be fun! ^^ Oh and for the poll for the name. I just decided to end it early. So in the Teukigayo wins! I know it's cool! Thank you thank you! Credits to Teukkie! haha! Love him! Ok! So Teukigayo start! Anyway, Teukigayo mean Teuk Academy.

 So who shall be the big star today? Du gu du gu du gu! 
Yup! C.N. Blue!!! haha! Whyy? Cos i was listening to Intuition just now! Haha! I like both YongHwa and MinHyuk. I got to know YongHwa when i was watching You're Beautiful. Omg! He is like so cool and handsome in the show! Haha! Damn hot! MinHyuk cos i accidentally saw Magic Girl (You know that Orange Caramel song) on tv and bam! He became one of my favourite from C.N. Blue. I heard C.N. Blue means smth. DAMN DAMN COOL! Nvr thought they would come out with such cool stuff. haha! You wanna know more just go wikipedia. They have lots of info there! I think that's all for today! It's quite a long post but i think my entry will all shorten when it comes to school days! Haha! I know i've been complaining a lot lately but... Haha! Alright! Nite ppl!^^

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