Saturday, 18 June 2011

Upset :(

I'm not really in a good mood now. Why? It's really complicated! Can't reveal it here.But really! I just simply feel like crying. Why must I find out? I have waited for more than year. Do you not know?! More than a year! I have no idea why do i still have the slightest bit of feelings for you. It's so annoying. FCK! If only we had nvr been so close in the past. If only i didn't tell that bitch. Everything would still have been different. Is this really what I'm fated for? I don wanna believe that it's true. I know i can't really change anything but i dunno... i just wan things to be better. I just wanna be your friend. You don even wan acknowledge me, what kind of treatment is that? When have i ever offend you that make you give me the cold shoulder? I have so many questions to ask but will you answer them? Will we ever get to even talk to each other? Sometimes i even feel that you dunno my name? I was so surprised that day when you call out to me. But is that all? Talking only at the extreme? FCK! Anti social piece of shit! You screw my life but i still love you. And i fcking don get anything back. WTS is this? Well... Maybe this is life. This is reality. Our feelings are meant to play with rite? Haiz! Sry, i'm just feeling very lousy now. Anyway, It's David's birthday yesterday! Happy belated birthday David! Haha!

In the end, i still change the name. I like Sukira better then WTS-ism.(I found it lame after a while) Yea... I got Sukira from one of the radio station in Korea. It's Super Junior Kiss The Radio to be exact. Haha!! Ok. Let's get started on today's session. I was thinking of doing a emo version. Since the mood is so down now:( 
Yea... 2am. I can only think of them when it comes to emo. Their songs are always so emo and stuff like that. Thou in this photo only JoKwon and JinWoon look sad. But OMG! look at SeulOng's packs! Ah!!! Haha! Look like a bar of chocolate:P Haha! Haiz! That's all for Sukira today! No wait! i think Teukigayo is a cool name too! I dunno! But it's so copyrighted. Well... Tell me what you think! Teukigayo or Sukira? I'll be putting up a poll and see which has the most votes. Then that name will be used for this special corner!^^

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