Saturday, 3 September 2011


Hahaha! Hello to all! Sry for not blogging for like the past one month. I somehow lost interest. (My apologies!!) Yea... Anyway, I just came back from an awesome day! Went out with my primary school friends. Well... I can truthfully say that they are what I really call friends. (Not like those B!tches I know in school. OOPS! :P) Whatever I don't care whether you read this or not because I DON CARE! like seriously! Yea... Anyway, I had fun so ya... Promise I will meet up with them more often!^^ even if it's just for a little while. I bought bangles for them too! Not too expensive so I paid for it! hehe! It's what you call... LOVE!! hahah! I don know what I'm talking about... I'm kind of hyped up! Mm... I thought I can do a little promotion on my blog. I've been writing a fan fic recently... So do check it out. It's called She's Mine. Here's the link:
 Do give comments if you read. No plagiarizing of names. Just that I think it's suitable for the characters! Both MBLAQ and Super Junior are in it!^^ haha! Mm... Oh ya! Smth upset me a lot recently... Which is Heechul's enlistment! :( I never expected that! Haiz... Oh well... Guess 2 years which is 24 months which is 730 days isn't very long... But I will miss him! But he looks very cute with his bald head! :P
THERE! Haha! Cute rite? ^^ Take care, Heechullie! ^^ Mm... Don't think I will be doing teukigayo today. Anyway, congrats to Super Junior who just won the fourth time on Music Bank! Woo!^^ Must support MBLAQ's I Don't Know too! AWESOME SONG!!^^ haha! Love Mir's rap! :P I'll put the video up! Must watch arh! Just click on the play button! You will be raping it very soon! :P 

Saturday, 16 July 2011

I sincerely apologise!

Hello everybody!!! Hehe! Sry for not posting for the past one week. I'm a very busy person you know! haha! Nah... i'm jusy busy with my sport. Cos I'm going to Indo next Tues so gotta prepare ya know! haha! It's my first time to Indonesia (I think! haha!) and I'm going there for a competition. How awesome is that! haha! Mm... i will be there for about 1 week and yup! Hope i will do well there. HOPEFULLY! haha! Anyway, MBLAQ just had their comeback. It was so cool! XD
As you can see, it's called Mona Lisa. If you didn't, you are seriously blind i swear! kidding... But seriously! haha! I don wanna talk about it cos i know i will start spazzing and bloody hell! i will nvr stop. haha! So... Oh! Yesterday, my school brought us out for High Key. And you know what we did?! Harry Potter! We went bugis for the movie and DAMN! it's da bomb yo! Damn eff-ing nice i swear. The whole school manage to squeeze into one theater (I have no idea how we did that) and yea... It was as if the school didnt watch a movie before-.- When the movie started, everyone was still talking. I mean! Dont they know the cinema rules?! Who the hell cheer and clap during the movie? -.- I'm not surprised if members of the public complain. Plus, we were forced to wear knee length pants-.- Bull shit! But i love the trip. It's not so bad la. I had fun. haha! Yea... Oh! And sry about my very very very very bad temper in the lat entry. i was... Just in a very bad mood! Anyway, it's Coach Thomas's birthday today. And we celebrated it for him! The cake is damn nice! haha! But we made a mess in the office :/ But they didnt care. haha! 

Did you know U-Kiss were in SG yesterday? So was 2NE1. They were here for the Korean Wave Concert. Heard that it was awesome. haha! I bet not as nice as the Heal the World concert. :P haha! MBLAQ!!! XD Anyway... Today, i will be talking about...
Their latest song (FYI, it's 0330) damn eff-ing nice! Something that is out of the world ( is that even a phrase? haha!) Except this time, Xander and Kibum is no longer in the band. :( I like Alexander! he's so cute. Haiz! But AJ and Hoon is cool. It's like they just fit in perfectly well! Plus, Soo Hyun is now the new leader which is seriously... I dunno! I'm speechless. haha! If you ask me, my favourite member is Dongho. Nono! Kevin too! haha! They are my bias in U-Kiss. Followed by SooHyun. ;) I shall not name the rest. hehe! Yea... Anyway, I'm writing my own fanfic now.It's about MBLAQ and Super Junior. i won't share it now. But if you can find it, good for you then!^^ It's on Asian Fan Fic anyway! haha! So... this is Daphne, signing off! :D

Sunday, 10 July 2011


I can't believe this is happening! I'm so angry at this particular person from school. Wait... She's not even a human. She's just purely a mother eff-ing dog! Sry for being so vulgar. i mean... She is really pissing me off! Firstly, she caused a bloody fight between my roommate and I. I forgave her for that and she caused me to fall out from the team. WTS! She seriously got nth better to do. When she makes a conversation, all she do is bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. WTS! Nth satisfies her. Got so many thing to bitch about meh? Oh! And she look down on me, she despise me. Ok! She can always do that cos i admit she is one pretty shit but that doesn't make me a lowly person rite?! Yesterday, we were all bowling for a league. Ok! So i got 4 strikes in a row so what?! Don have to look at me from head to toe rite?! Plus, it will take ages for you since you're so short and have to bloody look up at me. Yet, she thinks she is greater than me. Ok! But she really is but at least show some respect. Can't she just do it behind my back, not in front of my sight. Bloody bastard. And she just bloody insulted me on facebook-.- Ahhh!!! I don wanna care anymore! So annoying and it's fcking pissing me off! Must it really be like his? Why is she always going against me?! What have i done? She can have so many besties and i cant have a god bro?! okok! Does that fcking make sense to you?! Plus, all her 'besties' are all guys! Fcker! In the first place, why shld i even care. She's making my life fcking miserable and i falling into her bitchy trap! I really have to get myself out. I will do it! Just watch out bitch! Sry, i'm not doing teukigayo today. At least not in this mood. 

Monday, 4 July 2011

Even In My Dreams

Helloooo~ Haha! Sry for the lag ppl! I didn't really have time. Yea... Nth really special happened recently except that I have been feeling quite down lately. :/ Don ask why. it's kind of complicated but i'll get over it. Don worry! Oh ya! i watched Transformers yesterday and OMG! It's the bomb man! Damn awesome! I mean... My dad bought the gold class seats and we were literally lying down, watching the whole movie. I felt so rich! Haha! You know like woo~! This is how a princess is treated type. But i swear that is the last time i'm gonna buy the tixs for gold class. So bloody expensive!!! Anyway, the movie is wayyyyy too awesome! However, it will be perfect if Megan Fox is in it. Seriously, WTH! The blondie like damn extra la! I swear the movie would be so much better if Megan Fox is in it. WTBS is that British dog doing in the movie?! The context isn't as nice now! Really! Honestly, i got quite bored in the middle of the movie cos that British dog was talking too much-.- How can Sam get married to her in the end?! Wrong movie man, bitch! Sry, i'm an anti of her. No offence to all her fans. She is sooo~ not hot! Megan Fox is hotter!!! Yea... haha!
*Change of Subject*
If you're wondering what's with the blog title. It's cos G.O [FYI, he's from MBLAQ] just released a new single. I love his voice, so sweet and touching! It's just flow thru you and you just can't help but get addicted to it. Yup! it's called Even In My Dreams feat. Mir for the rap part. Somehow, Mir is getting more famous for his rap. haha! Which is a good thing you know! haha! oh oh! And Mir even said that they are working on their new album XD I can't wait!! AHHHH!! haha! I'm still waiting for Super Junior 5th album too. It is said to be released in August. Woo~! Haha! How cool is that! haha! Anyway, the MV just got released! Gonna watch it now! ^^

I seriously ran out of ideas :/ Hm... Ah! and the big star for today is... du gu du gu du gu du gu
Since i was talking about his MV, why not just let you all see the MV. His voice is so soothing! You gotta hear it to believe it. Really! Again, no harm clicking on the video. Love Mir's rap too! Damn nice! ^^ The MV is about G.O wanting to get back with his ex even if it's mean in his dreams. It's really sad thou :( Haiz! But Mir was so cute doing that wink! ^^  but still, the MV is damn sad. Your heart can ache from watching :/ Yea... That's all for now! ;) Mm... anticipate SeungHo's concert teaser! it's coming out tonight. 12am KST which means 11pm in Singapore. i will be in school by then but i'll still watch it anyhow!^^ Here is daphne, signing off! Enjoy the video!^^

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

In School

I'm having my active rest now and yup, I'm free! Haha! Mm... School is seriously like normal days. I mean... When i check in, i really didn't have any feelings like you know... OMG! It's the first day of school feeling. Like it's a normal day kind of thing. I'm now slacking in my room and yea.. So bored! There's nothing to do :/ Anyway, i'm having a sleep in tmr so i think i will spam again tonight. haha! Listening to Shake It Up by Super Junior now. it's really nice and i think i'm like making my roomie bored by not talking to her. OOPS! Hehe! But she's playing with her ipod anyway so it's ok! Haha! Anyway, i signed up to be an admin for a fanbase. I really hope i get accepted. I just find it so cool! haha! You know, to be an admin for a twitter account and you can like interact with ELFs from all over the world. So cool~! Haha! but it's like not confirm I'm selected so yea... Oh! Today, my class watched a movie in class. It's damn gruesome. I have nvr seen anything like it but i guess i'm used to these kind of movies. I've seen much worst ones. Plus, this makes me wan to watch ninja assassin more. Joon is in so yea.. haha! Would like to see him bald! ^^ Shall proceed to Teukigayo now~

Ok... haha! Who shall be today's big star? Hm... How about? Hello everybody, we are the shining SHINee! haha!
Yup! it's SHINee. Not shin-ee  but SHINY~ Haha! It's pronounce that way ok?!  Anyway, why SHINee? Cos my friends and I were talking JongHyun and Shin Se Kyung. Cos she didn't know they broke up until i told her. Which is kind of lag. So... We were basically talking about their relationship and she was saying how much she hated it. And i somehow agreed with her. (No offence O.O) Hehe! yea... This is the Japanese version of Replay and i swear they have seriousy changed a lot in the past few years. Like just compare RDD and this. Totally different! Their dances are always so difficult and i always fail at trying to learn. ok! Not really fail but i gave up halfway. haha! Maybe it's just me being too lazy to get up from my seat to dance. hehe! That's all for now! Most probably be doing another entry tonight. this is daphne, signing off! ;)

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Worn Out and Restless (Part 2)

Hehe! i'm back yo! For part 2! Sry, i didnt finish up last night. Had to babysit my brudder to sleep-.- Annoying! I ended up watching Maknae Rebellion after that so yea... Haha! Finishing up nao~! So practically, yesterday we went to Downtown East. Why? play la ! Haha! Still got what? Hehe! But the thing is we went there for Escape. But then when we went there, we found out they remove all the huge rides!!! Like literally! No remains were left! You know how pathetic is that! My brother and I were really looking forward to ride on the Rainbow ride. Then they eff-ing remove it :( We seriously wasted the money. We played for a while and left. So we ended up in Wild Wild Wet. I swear that place is much more fun. I will nvr go back to Escape! NEVER! Unless they put back all the rides. It's either that or Escape will close down one day. Haha! No offence thou. Just gotta go straight to Teukigayo now. Maybe will have another entry tonight. If i get my broadband cos I'm going to school tonight. SIAN!

Hm... i wanna share a song. It's not really suitable for my blog cos it's really crude. According to the MV, you gotta be above 21 to you know watch the MV. The lyrics is kind of... (I'm speechless) Yea... I'm just gonna share anyway. I like the the song! AWESOME disco song ;) Woo~ Here it is! It's Shots by LMFAO! Yup! The dudes who sang Party Rock Anthem!^^
Enjoy ppl! Here is Daphne, signing off! ^^

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Worn Out and Restless (Part 1)

Ow! Yo peeps! I'm back from a tiring weekend. Ok... So called weekend. :) Thursday was USS day. I swear it's damn fun la! I seriously love the mummy ride and of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA!!! ( you gotta say it in the rock way! Then it will make sense.) I really can't wait for academy trip! Cos we're gonna go there again. OMG! It's awesome!! Oh ya! And i got pwned-.- by the stunt guy from the waterworld thingy. (It's like a stunt show. Damn cool!) He sprayed water directly on my tummy :( But it's cool. He made it special. ;) Haha! Mm... I took battlestar like seriously countless times. The queue was like what... 5 mins? Haha! I know rite... I think it's cos ppl don have the balls to go. :P Yea... i think so! Haha! But it's seriously awesome! I take until my balancing got problem liao. I get dizzy quite easily nowadays. So not cool! And you know, the number of times my saliva flew out of my mouth...:P Haha! Shhh... Don tell the next person who sat on my seat. Hehe! My brother and I totally spam that ride! We even requested for the the front row. That's the best i swear. Even with my glasses off, I can see everything so clearly. The feeling is like suicidal! Haha! Also, the part when it goes upside down, i swear... Indescribable feeling. I got used to the surrounding so easily that when i went out of the park, everything seems so strange! :O I know rite! Oh! Before we left, i took a photo with Po! (You know... The Kungfu panda guy!) Haha! Yup! He's so cuddly! >.< Oh! There's another ride! The raft ride at lost world. AWESOME! I got totally soaked there! The guy working there was so rude. I took off my shoe and you know what he shouted at me?! 'Eh girl! You must wear your shoes or you don't ride!' You know how eff-ing rude was that. Then my mum said a small little joke about the safety belt and what he said?! "I'm not kidding mam!" You know how rude is that?! I felt like slapping him and pointing the middle finger at him! REALLY?! How can they employ such ppl?! Then i made a mental note. When i go do my part time, (at USS! Yes, i know^^) I will show them how it's done! Seriously? Attitude sia! Stupid uncle! Haha! Sorry! I can't post any pics cos it's not in my com. Next time maybe. When i transfer everything over. As you can see this is part 1 cos I've got next part of the story. So wait for it! ;)

TEUKIGAYO!! Haha! Hm... Who shall be star for this entry? Du gu du gu du gu du gu.... And the oscar goes to
Yes! HIM! Woo~! Since he's trending on twitter now so yea... Haha! Woo Hoo~! Not really excited thou. Sorry to all the bieber fans. I'm not an anti but not a fan too :/ So yea... NO OFFENCE! Haha! It's a really short Teukigayo for this entry. Cos i have nth to say! Haha! I don wanna offend anyone so... GEUT!! (it means end in korean^^) Yea... Haha! JB and Korean? No link :/ Haha! So here is Daphne, signing off! ;) Wait for part 2. It'll be up VERY~ soon! :)

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Free Loader!

I"M FREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha! I have nth else more! Nth more to do with school! But it's only for like what 3 days? -.- But that's cool. Better than nth :) But it's gonna be awesome! WHY? Cos i'm going Universal Studio!!! WOOTS~! Plus, Escape Theme Park. Escape seems so noob shit now with USS around. I don like calling it USS. Sound so cheap skate. But Universal Studio is just too long. In case you dunno what i'm talking about... (You are suppose to know what i'm talking about! If you really dont, you live in another world-.-) Here are some pictures of the two most awesome theme park in Singapore.(There are only 2 anyway. Haha!)

This is the BATTLESTAR GALACTICA! (is that how you spell it? Anyway, you gotta say it in a rockish way. Like you know... Heavy metal. No? Nvm! Haha!)
So this is one of the biggest rides in Escape. I forgot what issit called but it's fun! Thou i only sat like once but it was wayyyyy too cool! I remembered being squashed by my dad when i went on with him. Wasn't really a good experience-.-Haha! 
Yup! So these are sneak peeks of the two theme park I'm visiting this weekend! Can't wait!!! XD However, i gotta check into school this Sunday. Which is not cool! Not cool at all! How i wish the hols were longer!! :( Don you think so? Thou it has been boring but you know... I will miss it! Honestly, it's one of the enjoyable June holiday i ever had! I bet i'm gonna love it more after tmr! Anyway, my brother and i came up with a plan. We decided to stay there the whole day from the minute they open to the minute they close. I know a lot of ppl would think I'm crazy but that's how you play! It makes the ticket price worth it! And we're not crazy! You gotta live life to the fullest! Yup! So everyone is suppose to sleep early tonight, wake up early for the first time tmr and we will head off to Harbourfront! Universal Studio yo! Haha! Then after that would be Escapie! Haha! I really hope Inverter would be working. Cos the many times i've been there, it's always under maintenance-.- BULLSHIT! So i really hope it will be working this time! It looks super awesome! Then there's the log ride! That is the best i swear! 15 metres high! Woo~! Haha! Seriously! And yes, i'm gonna spend my whole day there again. I doubt that there would be a lot of ppl there? Usually there wont be too so yeah... Haha!Anyway, i don think i would do a blog post tonight cos I'm sleeping early! So yea... Shhh! Don disturb my beauty sleep! Haha! 

Alright! Time for today's Teukigayo!! Hm... Let's do smth different! I'm still in the MBLAQ mood. (Duh! I'm an A+! What do you expect?! Haha!) Yea... But it won't be any video or picture this time. You know when we are into K-Pop, we just basically listens to the songs but do we know the meanings? NO! Haha! Yea... Sometimes, those lyrics are the ones that makes the songs even more special and nicer. Without lyrics, there would be no songs. So think about that! Anyway, I'm gonna put a video with subs and of cos, the translation at the bottom. So enjoy! I know MBLAQ is hot! So yea...:P So this is Daphne, signing off! ;) Oops! there's smth wrong with blogger so i can't upload the video! I'll give you the link thou! Enjoy! ^^

A! Time is too slow for me baby
Listen this girl

(Ah Ah) I’m trying to erase you from the falling tears
(Ah Ah) I can only cleanly leave your side
(Ah Ah) You’re trying to leave too easily
(Ah Ah) Don’t trust women

Frostily chilled voice Your passed look
Oh the lips that dry and frosty
Hey baby say What do I do what do I do
Can you come back to me

U make me cry (You)
The reason I live on
Please don’t leave me
Just tell me why (why)
Oh wipe my tears tell me I’m so crazy (yeah)
Scream out call out (call out) Loudly yell out call out (call out)
This is not the end It hurts so much ah ee yah
Surge call out (call out) Please don’t throw me away baby

Oh baby U make me cry yeah
Oh baby U make me cry yeah
Oh baby just tell me why yeah
Oh baby U make me cry yeah

You are my everything it’s not a different man
I’d rather regret mine Yo my girl
I hurt as each day passes day by day
I can’t hold it in anymore

Oh white before I know it white
Oh I hate the me that was thrown away
Hey baby say I’m black black like this
I’m getting burned all over

U make me cry (you)
U make me cry (You)
The reason I live on
Please don’t leave me
Just tell me why (why)
Oh wipe my tears tell me I’m so crazy (yeah)
Scream out call out (call out) Loudly yell out call out (call out)
This is not the end It hurts so much ah ee yah
Surge call out (call out) Please don’t throw me away baby

I don’t make me cry (Don’t make me cry)
The tears block the front I can’t see
My breath is stuck even though I call your name (Oh)
You don’t seem to be able to hear me anymore
I can’t hold it in I need you in my life
Can you hug me so that these tears will stop

Until you come back
I’m standing here girl there is no day and night
My friends say I’m miserable huh it’s OK cause
Without you I’m my heart that used to beat doo geun doo geun
is now a wrinkled mannequin like a empty peel
Come back love girl I’m so sorry

Ah~ No No No U don’t make me cry (cry)
Now sick of crying and crying I’m fainting
I’m okay (Ah)
You come back to me already you I’m so crazy
Scream out call out (call out) Loudly yell out call out (call out)
This is not the end It hurts so much ah ee yah
Surge call out (call out) Please don’t throw me away baby

Oh baby U make me cry yeah
Oh baby U make me cry yeah
Oh baby just tell me why yeah
Oh baby U make me cry yeah

It's so late!

OMG! First time posting at such a time! Haha! So late le :/ I just wanted to vent my frustration before i go to sleep. I was trying to download this Window Media Player so i can play the videos on the MBLAQ site. (I know rite!! haha! XD) Yea... But it didn't work so i'm quite pissed. :( But it's ok la! Haiz! I gave up anyway. Yesterday during training, the guy from SBF came. He did a review on all the girls and you know what! i think he spent the shortest time on me. I was like WTH! Are you serious? Haha! I was totally blur. Is this suppose to be a good thing or a bad thing? He spent like more than 20 minutes on the rest. I really dunno. Oh well... If i'm really good, i'll get in someday rite? Haha! Yea... I'm really tired. Anyway, daddy's birthday is coming! And we're going Universal Studio this Thursday! Can't wait!! Haha! First time leh! I had to dine with bitches today which utterly is not acceptable at all. My mum actually have friends like that?! I think i will just go to Teukigayo now. Anyway, i gotta settle my own lunch again. Sad rite? haha! Nah... I kinda like it. ^^

Did your enjoy the video in the last post? Haha! I really love it. Ah... Mir's rap part! Hm... it's gonna be a video today but it doesn't really showcase some huge k-pop artist. I mean she's still Korean but she isn't into hallyu. She's a really pretty person and she is just... Purely Gorgeous. I'm sure you will know what i'm talking about after watching the video. Here!^^
Haha! Yup! She's South Korea's pride! KIM YUNA! She's just so beautiful! Talented prodigy she is. So elegant and powerful! No wonder loved by many! If you were to search her profile, i believe she was on the podium in every competition she participated! Brillant! I especially love this performance by her! She recently even sang with IU. It's called Ice Flower. It's the theme song for her very own variety show, Kiss & Cry. Go check that out! It's getting really late so i gotta go! ;) This is daphne, signing off!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

I'll do a quick one

I think i'll do a quick one. It's alr very late and i'm very tired. I have been very tired lately. Dunno why. I didn't even do anything. :/ Mm... I went to school to start on my science project today. it was so fun! Haha! After that, i went to causeway to shop! I got myself a Sorry Sorry album for just $12.90!!
This one! Damn cheap la! But shhhh.... Don't tell my mummy cos i didn't tell her at all. Haha! Yea... Then we went Marina Bay Sands. I swear that place is huge! I have nvr seen a place so huge and luxurious. Haha! The casino is amazing. I'm gonna go there when i'm 21. Actually, i have no interest so i don't think i will go. Haha! Yea... Had an amazing dinner with my grandmother. I love her! Haha! Time for teukigayo! Told you it's a very quick one.

Hm... I thought i wanna have a special edition today. Instead of a pic, I'll put a video. Yes! Video. Who will be today's big star? Du gu du gu du gu...
I'm really into their song today! Especially cry! Love that song man! The rap is awesome!
Here it is! You gotta click on the video! I don care whether you know MBLAQ or not! Just click on the video! You will love them after watching. Cos that was what happen to me! Hehe! Enjoy the video! You will really like it. Click on the video no matter what!!! Haha! Here is Daphne signing off! ;)

Sunday, 19 June 2011


I'm back again from a horribly tiring day. Nvr been so tired since Day 1 of the hols. Ok maybe not! Haha! I dunno! i don really like what happened today. :( First of all, i was abruptly woken up this morning. Bloody hell! I couldn't even get out of bed. If you know me, i'm the kind who i can like get up in less than 10 secs. Except days when i'm extremely exceptionally tired! Like this morning. One of my worst mornings! Irritating! Plus, i was almost late for work today. To make things worst, i have to do lane marshalling-.- I was suppose to be doing the bloody scores! In the end what happen? Lane Marshal. FCK! i was so pissed. I was this close to doing scores. because Vivien OT and Darren insist i do lane marshal... Yea! Annoying! Slack sia! When i'm completely not enthu about work, i get the slackest job. HOWEVER! When i'm like the most enthu person on Earth to work, i get the worst job ever! Damn! This sucks! I swear-.- Plus, today I'm getting more vulgar! And i don like it at all. AT ALL! It's annoying me! Omg! i'm annoying myself! Haha! How cool is that! Awesome~! Where was i? oh yea... I fell down at the track while trying to jump over a hurdle just now. I overestimated my jumping skills:P Haha! I simply jumped, tripped and rolled on the ground twice before laughing! Haha! I just hope no one saw! Haha! Damn embarrassing. Can't believe that actually happened. Anyway, after that, i played some dodge ball game with the TaiPei ppl. So damn awkward i swear! Haha! But it was fun. Yea... That was all. Opulent ended today. I have no regrets cos i made a few new friends. And i'm proud of it. Most of them are malaysian but that's cool enough! Haha! Honestly, before that i have no malaysian friends. Well... Except for the ppl in school :/ Haha! But it's nice. I'm gonna officially start on my science proj tmr (FINALLY) I know rite! It's like the last week og hols alr-.- But oh well... i have this feeling it's gonna be fun! ^^ Oh and for the poll for the name. I just decided to end it early. So in the Teukigayo wins! I know it's cool! Thank you thank you! Credits to Teukkie! haha! Love him! Ok! So Teukigayo start! Anyway, Teukigayo mean Teuk Academy.

 So who shall be the big star today? Du gu du gu du gu! 
Yup! C.N. Blue!!! haha! Whyy? Cos i was listening to Intuition just now! Haha! I like both YongHwa and MinHyuk. I got to know YongHwa when i was watching You're Beautiful. Omg! He is like so cool and handsome in the show! Haha! Damn hot! MinHyuk cos i accidentally saw Magic Girl (You know that Orange Caramel song) on tv and bam! He became one of my favourite from C.N. Blue. I heard C.N. Blue means smth. DAMN DAMN COOL! Nvr thought they would come out with such cool stuff. haha! You wanna know more just go wikipedia. They have lots of info there! I think that's all for today! It's quite a long post but i think my entry will all shorten when it comes to school days! Haha! I know i've been complaining a lot lately but... Haha! Alright! Nite ppl!^^

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Upset :(

I'm not really in a good mood now. Why? It's really complicated! Can't reveal it here.But really! I just simply feel like crying. Why must I find out? I have waited for more than year. Do you not know?! More than a year! I have no idea why do i still have the slightest bit of feelings for you. It's so annoying. FCK! If only we had nvr been so close in the past. If only i didn't tell that bitch. Everything would still have been different. Is this really what I'm fated for? I don wanna believe that it's true. I know i can't really change anything but i dunno... i just wan things to be better. I just wanna be your friend. You don even wan acknowledge me, what kind of treatment is that? When have i ever offend you that make you give me the cold shoulder? I have so many questions to ask but will you answer them? Will we ever get to even talk to each other? Sometimes i even feel that you dunno my name? I was so surprised that day when you call out to me. But is that all? Talking only at the extreme? FCK! Anti social piece of shit! You screw my life but i still love you. And i fcking don get anything back. WTS is this? Well... Maybe this is life. This is reality. Our feelings are meant to play with rite? Haiz! Sry, i'm just feeling very lousy now. Anyway, It's David's birthday yesterday! Happy belated birthday David! Haha!

In the end, i still change the name. I like Sukira better then WTS-ism.(I found it lame after a while) Yea... I got Sukira from one of the radio station in Korea. It's Super Junior Kiss The Radio to be exact. Haha!! Ok. Let's get started on today's session. I was thinking of doing a emo version. Since the mood is so down now:( 
Yea... 2am. I can only think of them when it comes to emo. Their songs are always so emo and stuff like that. Thou in this photo only JoKwon and JinWoon look sad. But OMG! look at SeulOng's packs! Ah!!! Haha! Look like a bar of chocolate:P Haha! Haiz! That's all for Sukira today! No wait! i think Teukigayo is a cool name too! I dunno! But it's so copyrighted. Well... Tell me what you think! Teukigayo or Sukira? I'll be putting up a poll and see which has the most votes. Then that name will be used for this special corner!^^

Friday, 17 June 2011

Excited! XD

I swear this is the best! I love working! I'm not literally working as in i work and money come in type. But just doing it for CIP. Haha! But i seriously love my job. I'm just doing scoring. Thou it's like utterly boring when they just start each game but then it's fun when everything is finished. I mean i seriously love the pressure. It's like I'm working behind the scenes. Damn cool! I really love this job man! Haha! I can even play game in between. But today i going to bring some Math there to there. Haiz! Time really pass very quickly also. I just simply love my job there. Yea... I know I'm repeating what i say. That's cos i really dunno what to say. Haha! Oh! I didnt had time to post an entry yesterday cos i was busy doing my reflections. I do until 2.30am i think. Seriously! I dunno how i can write so much. Maybe it's cos i'm long winded. Anyway, i'm looking forward to work time! Can't wait. I really dunno what to say liao! Sry sry! Haha! I'm gonna go watch Art Of Seduction now! Don worry! it's not like porn or smth. It's just a 'documentary about MBLAQ! Haha! Ok! Time for spazz time. i thought of a name for it alr. I think i'm gonna call it the WTS-ism. Now WTS but What The Shit-ism. WTS-ism is just short form. Haha! I just find it a joke to put this as the name. But it's better than Spazz Time-.- If you have much cooler names, feel free to give it to me ya? Haha!

Ok! Who is going to be the main star today? Once again, i really feel like Super Junior again but no no! Next time! cannot bias! Haha! Oh! I realize MBLAQ hadn't had their turn yet!! Heh heh... I have many awesome pics of them! Wonder which is better? 
Haha! One of my favourite photos. Both of my bias taking picture together. So sweet! No... But this is just purely hot! FYI, Mir is the one in the red shirt and SeungHo is the other guy(DUH! There is only two of them) It's really nice to see the two of them like that. It really show that they are close which is a good sight Haha! The more i look at the photo, the more i find it hot! Haha! That's all for now! I will do another post tonight!^^ CYA~ Wish me luck for work later!

Thursday, 16 June 2011

It's gonna be short!

This entry is gonna be short cos I wanna 'save time'. I wanna do my reflections for Opulent later. Usually, i take lie hours to finish it so yea... Haha! Anyway, the opulent went quite well today! I broke my highest score and i ended in second place! It's really long story how i end up there. Really~! First place could have been mine thou:P Haha! No no but really! I was leading at first then i dropped-.- Oh well! At least i came in second! Haha! I got better of myself :/ Haiz! Nervousness blah blah blah! At least i have smth to work toward to!^^ Come on! We gotta look on the bright side man! haha! Honestly, i'm eff-ing disappointed myself because of that few games. Oh well... I did my best! I just kept telling myself to fight to the end. I guess i really did and i'm famous on the SBF web. Cool rite? Thou SOMEONE ELSE is more famous-.- Who cares?! My name appeared more anyway:P Haha! Seems like this year is my 'Second Place' Year. I remember when i was in P6, my position was always 3rd-.- which is very pathetic i know! Haiz! At least i went up by one place! Haha! Ok... Gotta skip to spazz time now! Hm... I wanna give it a special name. It's weird calling it spazz time-.- I need inspiration yo! Come on! I wan suggestion coming in! Haha!

Spazz Time
All right! Who shld i do for now? I dunno! i think i'm gonna change the rule of the alternating of Eng artist and K-pop artist. I'm just not into English artist. Sry! :/ I really feel like doing Super Junior again but it's ok! I will resist the temptation! Haha! Hm... Girl Group? Since I've been doing all the male artist for the past few entries. Hm... Personally, i like 2NE1. I just find them cool! Haha! All of them are just so pretty. I mean... To me, they are just so different from the rest of the girl groups (No offence O.O) Anyway, here's a picture of them! I'm a Dara fan! XD 
So pretty rite? I know! Haha! Dara look exactly like her brother!! (FYI, her brother is CheonDoong or Thunder if you dunno) It's really like a girl and boy version! Both of them so~ cool! Haha! Signing off now! See ya around! Gotta do my reflections now!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

I'm Back!

Back! Haha! I was reading fan fics and they are SICK! I swear! Nvr read smth like that. All about gay shit. Ew! I really can't imagine that really happening! Don try asking for the link. I will nvr give it to you! As in seriously! Inappropriate but utterly awesome! XD Haha! No offence. I know it's contradicting but yea... Haha! But there are nicer and sweeter ones too. They are much more pleasant to read. Haha! Back to Opulent, I'm really scared about tmr. >.< The results for squad C Just came out not long ago and it's damn shocking. The guy who is leading freaking got a 204 average! Shit! What is this you tell me! I dunno what the hell happened to me today la! Plus at my last game, I threw this bloody shot and my plastic ball went into the gutter. What happen in the end? My ball came back chipped! The hole is bloody big and my heart pain like hell! I swear. Because of the hole, i still have to go back to school to show Coach my ball. What is this you tell me?! Who bothers to go back to school just to show Coach my ball. Plus i still have to wear school uniform and all the shit! Fck! i wanna go out one leh! Sry about the sudden change in atmosphere and things like that. I'm just pissed cos my mum called telling me that. She just have to tell everyone about it! -.- Irritating sia! And sry about the sudden outburst of wrong words. Lol! Not in the mood. Fear not, i'm still doing spazz time. Just not as enthu. Annoying! I don think i will be posting another entry later cos i gonna sleep early tonight. Cos masters is tmr so wanna get enough rest.

 Spazz Time
Who will be the big star for this entry? Hm... Drum roll!
Is the hot and sexy RAIN! The Korean Justin Timbalake. Woots~! Why i chose him? i was listening to Rainism. Haha! Yea... I just randomly got this pic off the net. So yea... Haha! He's kind of hot thou. (At least better than Bruno Mars) Yup! See you guys around. Probably tmr's entry will be late cos I got to do my shift til 9.30pm-.- Which is bloody late! I know-.- Haiz! Ok... Cya around! Dont worry my mood is better now:)


Teaser, teaser! Haha! Very lazy in that sense to type.:P Haha! Yea... Just wanna say I did well for Opulent this morning and i really do have a high chance of entering the masters:) I have a lot to say but not now! They took a picture of me and they look utterly UGLY! Damn! Haha! But i'm disappointed with my performance today.  Haiz! Tell you guys more later! Now for spazz time! Haha! I promise every entry must have one! Haha! Today shall be an English artist. Bruno Mars? I was listening to his song just now. Okok. Bruno Mars yo! Thou i'm not really excited.:/ Hehe!
No offence but his face is seriously like... I dunno how to describe. I just don like his face!:P No no! Kiddding... He just look weird! Hehe! I promise i will give a better pic next time! Haha! K-Pop artist next! Anticipate yo!

Monday, 13 June 2011


I really didn't expect to do so well for Opulent today. Really! I was nervous at first but well... I was totally relaxed after that! I'm currently second for my squad, not so sure about overall. But i'm still very happy about it. I know i have been posting saying i'm not expecting anything. Haha! Well... I would be very upset if i don do well. It's my first time doing so well for a competition. Looks like i got a lot to write for the reflection i'm giving coach. Haha! Damn tired! >.< I made a new friend today. He's from Malaysia! haha! I promise myself i will leave the competition with new friends. i made one alr! Haha! He damn pro la! I swear. Thou he hurt his back in the first game. Which is kind of sad:( But he manage to get 3rd in our squad. Honestly, without the Handicap, i wouldn't be able to be in second place. Gotta maintain tmr. Just to qualify yo! Haha! Anyway, got kind of scolded by Uncle David today:( But that's alright. haha! Can't wait for indo open. Actually, i'm kind of glad my mummy is going. Haha! The roll off is at 9am tmr which means i have to wake at 7am-,- Cos check in at 8.30am so yea... Thxs, Uncle David-.- Haha! I think i won't be starting on my next show until i finish bowling U14. Most probably be watching Art Of Seduction. My mum just caught me with my lappy. Haha! Lucky she didn't say anything! :O Haha! Come to think of it, July is actually an exciting month for me. 1st of July, my cousins would be coming back from Aussie and hooray! We can go out! That would be fun! Then 3rd week of July, i would be going overseas (Yes... Indo Open! Haha!) and last week will be acad trip to Sentosa! Haha! Can't wait for that! We'll be going to Universal Studio, The Wavehouse and the adventure thingy! Haha! That's about all. I gonna sleep liao. Right after i watch Music Mondays! In case your wondering, Music Mondays are reviews of K-Pop songs done by Simon and Martina. You can find them at! Haha! Spazz time! It shall be a permanent corner for every entry! Haha! I won't only be doing SuJu or MBLAQ. To be fair to everybody. It will be very random! It could be Justion Bieber(-.-) or some K-POP Star like 2pm or Lee SeungGi! Haha!

I'll start with SJ today!!^^ Mm... A gif would be awesome!!!
EunHae alert!!! XD
(The picture is suppose to move. I mean... Duh!! It's a gif! haha!)

*sob sob*

I just finish watching one of my favorite reality shows! And yea... I'm bloody sad! :( Cos it's like I like it a lot and it's damn funny. Plus, MBLAQ is in it.
Yea... This is the show! Mm... It's Idol Army Season 5. With MBLAQ and yea... It's really funny! the ending was a total surprise to me! I found out many things about MBLAQ and i'm glad i found this. It's really special to me. I dunno how to describe the word 'special' here but i guess it's really indescribable. As you can see, it's really late and i'm having a competition tmr. Well... I prefer doing things fresh from the mind. haha! The show started in Dec 2009 and lasted in Marc last year. Haiz! I nvr knew MBLAQ was like that. I'm gonna start show by them anyway. Art Of Seduction? haha!  Hm... They don have a official picture so too bad! :P Haha! I'll most probably start s\after Opulent week. I don think i'm getting enough sleep! :( Haha! I think i have insomnia! :O I dunno! i can't really fall asleep these few days! Listening to One Better Day now! Yes MBLAQ! Haha! I not really nervous for Opulent cos you know... I'm not really expecting a lot too! Looking at the competitors, Kind of difficult la! Haha! Oh well! One Better Day~ I can't differentiate their voices at all! :( Haha! But their songs are all so nice. Just like who? SUPER JUNIOR! I think they are about to leave France soon. They went there for SM Town concert. I wish i was there! Can't wait for DongHae's new drama to come out! (Looks like i got a lot of shows to watch. Actually, I don't! haha!) Wow! this looks like one of my longest posts! Dunno! My mind is more acticve at all. Especially with music. That is why I acn study better with music. You know.. I'm wondering! Who actually visits my blog? Even if they visit, do they even read my posts? I really wanna know! If you're one of the readers! Pls leave a comment below! Or on the tagbox! Thxs! haha! ^^ Think need to go sleep le! Nite! :D 

PS: Wan a picture? Haha! MBLAQ or Super Junior? Since I'm in the MBLAQ mood tonight, let's just have one A+ spaz pic!
I know SeungHo is hot! You don have to tell me! :P Fighting!

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Shld i? I dunno!!!!

Haiz! I'm really confused! Indo Open shld my mum go? I dunno! Well... it's my first excellence trip and i dont know anything about it. So what will happen? She is the only parent going. I don wan! As in I don wan her to be the only PARENT there! You know how scary it would be! :( I really dunno! Shld she go? But i wan some freedom you know! :P Oh well... Just let her go la! Fck! Irritating! just let nature takes its course then. Maybe it will be better this way!:) you can do it,missy! Haha! just a short post. Gotta go watch my video~ bye! Here's a picture for you! :P Don't blame me if you lose all your blood cos of nose bleeding! Haha!

Ok! I feel faint! :P Haha! Anyway, twitter is working! Haha! XD


Watching a chinese drama now! OMG! Damn nice! it's a Taiwan drama! Mm... Called The Fierce Wife if i'm not wrong! Ahh! Lighting! It's ok!!! THUNDER is here! HAHA!!! Get it get it? Nvm! Haha! THUNDER from MBLAQ is here!!! LAME! Anyway, My twitter is working!!! AHHH!!! Haha! Damn happy~ I dunno! I'm damn happy! And if you're wondering why my title is BITCH, it's cos the woman in the drama like some dog!
Here! the picture! That's the bitch with the short hair! LOSER! Snatch ppl's husband! Aiyo! Haha! Where was I? Oh ya!!! I'm going Indonesia Open! Woots! Haha! Uncle mike just called! I can't believe it! My first excellence trip siol! haha! Hm... The exclamation mark spazz again! Oops! Okok... i shall stop. Hm... i have nth much to say le! Maybe later i'll post another post. Post another post. WEIRD~!

Saturday, 11 June 2011

My ears are blocked!

Ee! I can't use my ear piece now cos my mum just bloody dripped some medicine into my ears! Dunno for what! it's damn annoying! Now i can't even put my ear piece in! Otherwise, it would be freaking gooey and that is sick! Haha! Damn sick!!! Haiz! Twitter still can't work:( WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY? Haha! Anyway, we're going for a Korean BBQ  dinner later! Yeah!^^ Haha! I wonder how it would be like! I also uploaded the photos i took at the concert le! Wanna see? it isn't very clear thou but it's just pure evidence that i was there! haha!!!
Hehe! sry about the biasness! I mean... i can't help it! their too HAWT! Haha! Anyway, i think MIR was kinda in a bad mood that day. He wasn't smiling as much! :( And that makes me sad~ Usually he is like the most hyped up one! haha! Yea... Maybe cos of his back again! He didn't dance that night! So sad! Anyways, Get well soon!!! Don't be like SeungHo! Haha! Fighting!!

Once again, let's pray for twitter to get better!!!


I'm trying to transfer myitunes from the desktop to my laptop! i'm not sure whether i works so just trying! haha! It's not working so i guess i would have to re-download again. Annoying! Sian! Haha! Listening to HaengBok! It's by Super Junior. Suppose to be happiness in English! The MV is damn freaking cute i swear!!! Yea... Oh well! i guess i shldn't have gone thru all the transferring of the itunes app! Oh yes! Finish downloading le!!! YEAH!!!! haha! Hm... So i gotta start doing all the uploading! Shall stop here for a little while! :)

Lets's all pray for twitter to work again!! Haha!


Yoz!!! This is my first post with my new lappy!!! I really dunno what to do!! I mean... Seriously!! haha!!! Oh well... Is there smth wrong with twitter? :( OMG!!! i can't log in!!! okay, i logged in but i can't see my profile at all!!! what happen? Why like thatt?? T.T I wan to use one leh!!!! Wa lao eh!!!! Damn sad la!!! Haiz!! Nvm la!! let's just cross our fingers and hope it will work!! Yea... This week's training has been really tiring lately! Dunno why... Oh well! Anyway, Opulent is next week! I'm not really expecting anything thou! I mean... It's a boy versus girl thing and got what all the malaysian ppl! Siao arh! how to win siol! haha!!! Right? So not expecting a lot! Maybe qualify can alr? I dunno! haha! i realise i put a lot of exclamation marks!! Oops! Hehe!! Yea... i'm gonna put up some of the photos taken at the concert soon! Just that most of them are blur. So i think i would just get from the internet which are much more clearer than mine! I have a few here so... Yea! haha! i swear they are damn bloody hot!! MBLAQ jjang!!! <333333 Don't worry! SJ still number one!!! hehe! Ok! Here are the photos!!!
MIR so cute!!! Pouting away!!! SeungHo hot hot hot!!! haha! 
This was after their Y performance if i'm not wrong!!!
Who isn't nose bleeding you tell me?!
Hehe! I know i know...
Self explanatory!!! Too hot!!! (SeungHo!!XD)

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Tonight~ Tonight~

Woo~! Can't wait for tonight!!! I'm going for a concert at MAX PAVILLION!!! It's the KPOP Heal The World Concert!!!! Can't wait!!!! Going with Vivien and Carina!!!! MBLAQ fighting!!! Haha!!! It's a really short post. Gotta go prepare to go out! Hm... I'm gonna get my own laptop too!!!! Oh yeah oh yeah~!! Haha!!! Then, i will blog more!!! Cya around!!

Monday, 30 May 2011


Haha!!! Yo peeps!!! I'm back after a long break! Hm... Lots of stuff happened recently like Singapore Open. Yea... I swear the past few weeks were just pure hectic. I mean... I nvr get to slow down a bit. But it's the hols and woo~! Haha! I not used to the slow life now thou. And i have no bloody work to do. Feel so empty. Like got no life. Haha!!! Hm... Singapore Open was ok. Not really that sastisfied with my performance. But my name was on the list. Haha! I was RESERVE 1 for Under 15. i know damn heart pain. It was at the bloody last squad i lost everything. Haiz! Last squad bowled with Kim. She was fighting with me. I mean... She was 8, I was 7. 1 pin ahead of her. I guess she was very determined. At the end, Meliana went up and i got kicked out. Haiz!!! oh well... i learnt a lot. And i 'promoted'. Haha! Cos i bowled under 18! Awesome! now i can't wait for Opulent. Looking forward to it!^^ This Saturday, i will be going to the Heal The World Concert with Vivien and Carina. No SuJu but there's MBLAQ!!!! Woo~! Haha!!! Cant wait to see them!!! I swear they are damn bloody hot!!! Mir damn hot!!! Hehe!!! But i think i like Seung Ho better. (he's the leader)
(From Left to right) Thunder, Mir, SeungHo, G.O. and Joon
Awesome right!!!! Haha!!!! Actually, i like all of them la!!! Can't wait for the concert!!! But it will be great if Super junior are present. :P Haha!!!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

I'm still awake-.-

Omg! I can't believe i am still awake at this hour. Doing my eff-ing project! Wa lao!!! Seriously!! It's either i am going to flunk my history or get a white card this week. Seriously!!! I haven't even started on my history powerpoint!!!! Best thing is i forgot to bring my textbook home!!! Thxs, Mr Fausta! Lol! -.- Whatever la! FYI, I'm still working on my geog proj now. Damn tire alr. And i have a lot of tests this week!!! die!!!!!T.T Can't talk le!!!! Next time! Bye~!

Monday, 9 May 2011

Day4-A photo of the last place you went for a holiday

Not exactly a holiday cos it's a school trip. But it was fun!!! Took this on a mountain! We had to wake up like 5 in the morning! But it was worth it!^^ Haha! Oh! And this is in Taiwan! Haha! Miss that place!^^

Finally! After so long!

Finally! After so long! I manage to post! I kinda change my blogskin! I like it better like that thou! Hehe! I just finish my homework and... Yea! I'm alr going back to school tonight! :( Sian sia! Go back face those bitches! omg!!! Usually, i'm the type who look forward to school... I guess i love my family too much! :P haha! But seriously! They are the best ppl in the world i swear! Haha!!! My parents, my brother, my grandmother, my aunties and uncles. Not forgetting my cousins!!! Love them ttm! They are still the best!!! Who need friends when you have your family? Rite? Friends are just ppl around you!^^ They most probably be the first to run away when you need help! I would like to apologise! Cos i know i have been very pessimis-STICK (you will get it only if you watch nigahiga) and emo but I'm back!!! Haha! Time for spazzing again! Haha!!!^^ 

I know! I'm nose bleeding too!^^
What i call cuteness overload!^^

 Speechless! Just pure (fill in the blank)
Hyuk! You jealous? Haha!^^

That's it for today! Haiz! How i wish can go back to how it is!>.< Oh well!

Saturday, 30 April 2011

Life recently.

What can i say? Like seriously... It's better but still suckish. Today is exactly one week after my birthday and i can't really say that my birthday this year is one of the most awesome one. I nvr expect it to be anyway. C Div Masters was on that day and you know what?! I didn't get in at all. Like Hooray!!! Best day ever. Yea... Then at nite, my family helped me celebrated it. I didn't want it. I mean... who the hell have the mood to celebrate when you just freaking failed to enter the masters?! It's really annoying. I mean, everyone singing the birthday song for you but you're there stoning. I alr told them i don't need a celebration. Didn't listen and made everything worse. I don blame them but still... I dunno. Haiz! Oh well... everything is over. Let's just hope things get better. I mean. It is and i know it will not be like last time. so i'm not expecting a lot. At least get out of hell. Maybe I am expecting too much i dunno. Haiz!!! i just wanna live happily.

Day3-A Photo that makes you happy

Back with Day3. Sry for the long pause. Was kinda busy recently. Hm... Makes me happy? I'm not sure what to put... How about this?
Yup! It makes me happy!!! Reminds me of Primary school days! Oh! this was taken on the last day of 2010. Went out with my friends. Miss them sooooo much! Happy ttm!!!^^

Sunday, 10 April 2011


WTF!!!! Seriously! I thought today was just an ordinary Sunday! But NO, It ISN"T! WTF!!! Can't i just start the week off nicely?! I mean... C Div is strting on Tues!!! I had my period today and then, I freaking found out my photos got deleted! I really wanted to score well for my chinese assignment! Now, most of the important photos freaking got deleted! Best! it's ok... It's just my grades rite?! Nvm Nvm!!!! Fuck!!! Seriously! FML la! We went to the Genghis Khan exhibition the other day. Then, we suppose to do this scrapbook. I really wanted to do well. SERIOUSLY! Now what?! My photos got freaking deleted!!! So what?! My fault arh? I ask him to help put in the com, in the end, what happen?! Whoo~ The photos were magically teleported away. BYE~! WTF!!!! Seriously!!! I wonder where all my tears come from... It's like never ending. Tears just kept flowing and flowing even though i don hydrate myself. Argh!!!!!! Fucker! What did i do wrong la!!! Seriously!

Day2-A Photo Of Yourself A Year Ago

Awesome!! Haha!!! My family and my dad's colleague went to a durian plantation in M'sia last year. I seriously had a lot of durian! Like damn a lot! Haha!

Saturday, 2 April 2011

30 Days Of Photographic Memories!

30 Days Of Photographic Memories
Day1-Your Facebook Profile Photo
Day2-A photo of yourself a year ago
Day3-A Photo that makes you happy
Day4-A photo of the last place you went for a holiday
Day5-A photo of you
Day6-A photo that makes you laugh
Day7-A photo of someone you love
Day8-A photo of your favourite band /musician
Day9-A photo of your family
Day10-A photo of you as a baby
Day11-A photo of your favourite film(s)\
Day12-A photo of you
Day13-A photo of your best friend(s)
Day14-A photo of one of your favourite family members
Day15-A photo of you and someone you love
Day16-A photo of you at the last party you went
Day17-A drunk photo of you
Day18-A photo of one of your classes
Day19-A photo of you on a school trip
Day20-A photo of smth you enjoy doing
Day21-A photo of you standing up
Day22-A photo of your town
Day23-A photo of your friend as a baby
Day24-A photo of you that your hair looks nice in
Day25-A photo of a night you loved
Day26-A photo of your favourite weekend
Day27-A photo of last summer
Day28-A photo of what you ate today
Day29-A photo of someone you find attractive
Day30-A photo of you when you were happy

Day 1: Facebook Profile Photo

My Facebook Profile Pic!!! Haha!! This was taken in January On Awards Night! SO sad! Vivien didn't attend this year's event. T.T There's still next year!
Such a short post. Hmm.. think i'm gonna type out the 30 day thingy! Haha!


I'm back for the second time today! i feel much much better than just now! Sry for the awkward post!!! Haha! Anyway! i'm going to play a little 'game' with myself. Here:
Can the words be seen? I got the idea from YiLin JieJie. I find it very cool. Haha! Thou, i would be like damn lag cos i don use the com everyday. But still... I wanna try!!! So here goes nth!:)


Haiz! My life is still like the same a before. It has nvr change nor has it became bettter. Also, my feelings for that jerk still hadn't change. What making everything worse is that my friends and I are slowing drifting apart. I feel as if my circle of friends is getting smaller day by day. Maybe it isn't them, instead it's me. I felt that my attitude has changed. Not for the brighter side but the dark. I dunno. Maybe that is what caused this to happen. My life is like screwed and i don blame anyone. Studies dropping, bowling not improving at all, I'm slowly losing all my friends. Seriously! What's the point of living?! It's not like I wan to suicide or smth but i don see the point anyway. Anyway, the world is like dying so I must well just wait and screw the rest of my life. Ppl in school only know how to apologise and doesn't act. Irritating la! Everytime say wan to get back and be like before, next day same thing happen. Fck! Like that must well don apologise rite?! Thats why i gave up this time round. Who knew you did the same thing again? You not tired arh? Sry arh! Ppl sick and tired of this bloody game liao,ok? I quit! You will nvr understand how i feel! I know you will nvr see this. I don wan you to see also.-.- Seriously. Spoil my mood only.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!! NOT! -.-

OMG OMG OMG! The hols are here! Not!! Pls... I have at least smth on every single day... But it's NAG so it's ok la! Haha! At least it isn't training or smth... Goinh to Bintan (again) this friday! Cant wait!! Haha! Kind of sad about thou... It's going to be the 19th Mar soon... Haiz! I wan that day to come and go asap! Life's still the same! Still so suckish...-.- Rachael went Taiwan recently and she got me SJ-M's latest album! So awesome rite? Haha! I just remebered smth... Super Junior is there in Taiwan too! Haha! Lub them many many!!! Haha! This isn't taken in Taiwan but it's part of SS3!^^ Hyukkie's face is damn epic i swear!!!XD Haha! Anyway, Hae and Hyukkie got married yesterday!! Haha! Damn cute! So sweet rite? This is the Hyukkie fell in love with... Haha! He's so pretty!!!^^ I'm going to become a les just for her! Haha! Haiz! Come on, ppl! Let's all close our eyes, put ou hands tgt and pray for Japan. 2012 is coming and I have one last wish. I wanna die with someone I love. Someone who will always stay by my side no matter what. Someone who loves me. That's my only wish before i die.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

The Word 'Fate'

Do you believe in Fate? I dunno about you but i don... Cos everything that happens will nvr be fate... Or they say Your Destiny... To me, it's just coincidence... Everytime i meet him along the corridor, i will tell myself that it's just coincidence... You know we just happen to be there at the same time... Nth to be excited about... Nth to do with fate... That is what i believe... Why am i saying this? Cos i know we were nvr meant for each other... To all the girls out there, if you really love this guy a lot and you wan to express your feelings... Think thru it first... Will he still be your friend if you tell him that you love him? Well... The guy i like didnt... I told him many months back and now we're not talking at all... And still, i'm going back to the darn place where this whole torture began... Am i going back to collect all the memories i left there? I dunno... Haiz! I wan to get over but i dunno how.. Thou i know someday it will be over... My life isn't that perfect and i doubt that it will ever be... But i will still make the best of it... Like what darius told me, Be Positive!^^ Yea rite...-.- What the hell... Ah... Whatever!!! Change the atmosphere!!!! So... Enjoy the video on the last post? Damn hot rite?? Haha!!! DongHae!!!!! Haha!!! Another video? Hmm... A funny one shld be ok? Nono... Let's be different this time... LYRICS!!! A new song by Super Junior M... I feel so fortunate that i actually understand...:)

吹一樣的風-Super Junior M
陽台上吹著風 有一些難過
累積在胸口 還不懂為什麼
有一個女孩 和一片天空
還只是我的 一個夢

熟悉的脈搏 又開始跳動
雲朵的河流 車窗外快速的流動
現在的你在城市的 哪一個角落

*如果在小時候 草地上我回頭
唱相同的歌 吹一樣的風(一樣的風)

漫步踏上微風 走到了空中

田野裡開了花 當時我們好懵懂
所以那時沒有過 帶走你的念頭
太陽在雲背後 慢慢地移動
直到我終於 失去了有你的那一段時空

(如果) 熟悉的脈搏 又開始跳動
雲朵的河流 車窗外快速的流動
現在的你在城市的 哪一個角落

*如果在小時候 草地上我回頭
唱相同的歌 吹一樣的風(一樣的風)

陪你看著夕陽落下的 每一個午後
還能不能再次擁有 你我都錯過的以後

*如果在小時候 草地上我回頭
唱相同的歌 吹一樣的風(一樣的風)

你失望的感受 我現在全都懂

唱相同的歌 吹一樣的風(吹一樣的風)

漫步踏上微風 走到了空中
漫步踏上微風 架起了彩虹

Link to hear the song:

Saturday, 26 February 2011

I Realised Smth...

What's wrong with the world? Like really.. Last two weeks was literally hell for me. It was like as if the whole world is against me. I'm like... WTH did i do sia?! I cried almost everday for the last few days... Like I can nvr drain all the water out of me... Partly cos of friends, family, school... Basically everything is stressing me out... On sunday, I almost killed myself... Subconciously... What's with me? i really dunno... I just felt as if i am no use to this world.. Like i'm here for nth... Just an extra.. I'm lagging in school and bowling... And my friends are like slowly leaving me... I really dunno how to carry on living with a smile on my face... Haiz! Also, the Bintan trip is like coming... And we're like going back to the same place where we went last year... I mean... Falling in love with someone on this particular day, at this particular place... The next thing you know.. It has alr been a year and both of you are going back to the same place, on the same day... To him, it's nth but... To me, it's really irresistable... I can't back out rite? I wan to go but i'm not looking forward to how I am going to feel there... Thou I have this very strong feeling that you will not be going... But still... Haiz! I don even know why i like him in the first place... That's why they say... Love Is Blind.. Watever la! Don talk about this... To brighten up the atmosphere... Let's watch Super Junior M's new MV!^^ It's awesome ttm!!! HAWTTIES!!!! Warm Welcome to Hyukkie and SungMinnie!!! Haha! That's all for today's SuJu Spam... AnnYeong Peeps!!!

Saturday, 12 February 2011

SJ-M Comeback!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woo~! Super Junior-M is going to have their comeback on Valentine's Day!!! Which is like this Monday!!! Awesome!!! ^^ Haha! They released their teaser photo liao... I got one DongHae one and the one with DongHae,Siwon,ZhouMi and Henry...^^ DongHae so HAWT!!! Haha! >.< You can't really see the one with the four of them but ya... You get the idea, rite? Haha! Their title track is called Too Perfect if i'm not wrong... So cool~! Can't wait! SJ one is called GOTCHA NUMBA!!!! Go SJ! I recenlty saw one saying they are currently preparing for the 5th Album and getting ready for SS4! ^^ I think it was said by Teukkie or smth... Oh! And he fractured his pinky... How cute is that! I mean like seriously... Haha! See? Haha! But he still look so happy! Which is good isn't? And I also heard that Teukkie,HeeChul and YeSung going to the army soon...>.< Noooo......... I don wan them to go la!!! Like seriously... They are suppose to prepare for their 5th album and SS4!!! If they go, they would miss you SS4!! I still wan to see Teukkie and Lady HeeHee one leh...:P HAha! Anyway.... Seriously... I can't imagine Teukkie bald la... HeeChul also... I think he would be spamming twitter everyday saying... I WAN MY HAIR BACK!!! Haha! T.T Don go la!!! Anyway... Gtg... Cos my brother wan to use the com and my coussies are coming soon!!! This means it's time for SuJu Spam!!!!^^ Enjoy~!

Kyu so cool~! Haha! Teaser photo for Super Girl!^^
DongHae tweeted this photo of himself in Thailand the other time... So Cute!>.<
Tired hyukkie sleeping in between songs... Rest Well!!! I saw them live yesterday... So cool!!!
Haha! Bubble face Teukkie!!!! ^^

Teaser photo for Super Girl!!!! ^^ So hot rite? I know...:)

At the airport... but looks like some professional photo... Haha!! ^^

Both of them were in Thailand for a CF... So nice seeing them together like that!!!

I posted more pics this time cos i seriously downloaded too many!! Too many to choose frm... Haha! All of them so nice...^^ Can't wait for SJ-M comeback with Hyukkie and SungMinnie!!!^^ Heard that Hyukkie will be the new leader!!! :D SuJu FTW!!!!